I dislike having to wake up when it's still dark out but getting to see this almost makes up for it.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Steven Page
I went with my roommate and most of my building, actually, to see Steven Page (formerly of The Barenaked Ladies) last night. We got free tickets because our downstairs neighbor was working at the gig and they were severely undersold so they were trying to fill up the place. It is too bad tickets didn't sell well because he was fabulous and so funny. I don't think I have ever been at a concert where someone has messed up as much as he did but he managed to make the mistakes a good thing somehow. Afterwards I said to Jenn that I had never seen someone mess up so often and so well.
I really enjoyed the cellist who accompanied him. They got a standing ovation and gave us a three song encore.
I really enjoyed the cellist who accompanied him. They got a standing ovation and gave us a three song encore.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Camera Drawings
This assignment was to do a series of drawings of an object that meant something to you. The first drawing was supposed to be the most literal and the last more expressive. I am on the fence about whether they work for me.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
A Stocked Pantry
My side of the pantry probably looking the best it has since I got here. Thought I'd post some photos because it won't last too long.
The fridge is also well stocked. I have the right half of the top shelf and the whole second shelf.
My breakfast of granola, honey nut cheerios, banana, liberty yoghurt, and milk. With Lou looking on hopefully.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Guitar Drawings
For my drawing class I had to draw the same thing three times for different intervals of time.
15 mins

45 mins

This was supposed to be four hours but I only managed to spend 2 and a half.
It is not quite finished here, I ended up doing a bit more to the background.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Back in Halifax
I have survived my first week back on the east coast. I never really had the chance to be jet lagged because I had early morning classes the first three days I was back. I am missing home, though.
My classes are Drawing 2, Film, Intro to Visual Culture, and Video.
My teacher for drawing is nice. He is laid back and has a good sense of humor and his voice sounds just like Christopher Lee's.
My Film teacher is quite the character. His name is Sobaz and he is very vibrant and likes to talk a lot. He seems very passionate and is a writer and documentary filmmaker. The course seems to be mostly focused on film theory and criticism with some script writing thrown in but our teacher said we will be making a short film even though that's not in the course description. He wants us to have fun.
Intro to Visual Culture is going to be a lot of work. For those of you who were wondering exactly what it is, here is the definition they gave us: This course focuses on how visual images and objects function within various cultural contexts. The production and reception of visual material are examined within historical and social contexts.
So there you go, crystal clear now. The class is held in the Bell Auditorium and consists of lectures, tutorials, and guest speakers. We have to do various research projects and a presentation.
Video is my favourite class right now (we'll see how film goes). It is where we learn all the technical stuff about cameras, lighting, sound, editing, bluescreen and greenscreen, colour correction, and probably more things that I'm forgetting. Our teacher also seems to be throwing in information about the psychology of video as well. About how viewers react to it such as willing suspension of disbelief and assuming that since one shot follows the other it is caused by the other. I hope she talks more about these things because I find them fascinating and useful to know.
Last semester I had most of my classes at the Port Campus which is my least favourite but this semester I have only one class there, two at the Granville Campus which is my favourite, and one at the Academy Building which is the purely film campus.
This semester is shaping up to be just as much work as the last one but this time the classes are ones I am very interested in. Hopefully that will make it better.
My classes are Drawing 2, Film, Intro to Visual Culture, and Video.
My teacher for drawing is nice. He is laid back and has a good sense of humor and his voice sounds just like Christopher Lee's.
My Film teacher is quite the character. His name is Sobaz and he is very vibrant and likes to talk a lot. He seems very passionate and is a writer and documentary filmmaker. The course seems to be mostly focused on film theory and criticism with some script writing thrown in but our teacher said we will be making a short film even though that's not in the course description. He wants us to have fun.
Intro to Visual Culture is going to be a lot of work. For those of you who were wondering exactly what it is, here is the definition they gave us: This course focuses on how visual images and objects function within various cultural contexts. The production and reception of visual material are examined within historical and social contexts.
So there you go, crystal clear now. The class is held in the Bell Auditorium and consists of lectures, tutorials, and guest speakers. We have to do various research projects and a presentation.
Video is my favourite class right now (we'll see how film goes). It is where we learn all the technical stuff about cameras, lighting, sound, editing, bluescreen and greenscreen, colour correction, and probably more things that I'm forgetting. Our teacher also seems to be throwing in information about the psychology of video as well. About how viewers react to it such as willing suspension of disbelief and assuming that since one shot follows the other it is caused by the other. I hope she talks more about these things because I find them fascinating and useful to know.
Last semester I had most of my classes at the Port Campus which is my least favourite but this semester I have only one class there, two at the Granville Campus which is my favourite, and one at the Academy Building which is the purely film campus.
This semester is shaping up to be just as much work as the last one but this time the classes are ones I am very interested in. Hopefully that will make it better.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Today my mum and I made PJs. It is a project we have been planning for a long time and we finally managed to do.
I love our old Singer sewing machine that my dad found in the bushes by Fisherman's Wharf.
I love our old Singer sewing machine that my dad found in the bushes by Fisherman's Wharf.
It is a tradition for me, when I make PJs, to do each leg a different colour.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!! Thanks to everyone who has frequented this blog. There will be much more to come in the new year.
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