"Art is why I get up in the morning but my definition ends there. You know it doesn't seem fair that I'm living for something I can't even define."
-Ani DiFranco

Monday, October 19, 2009

Assignment: Self Portrait in Relief

For Studio Practice we had to create a self portrait in relief using non-traditional materials and a photo of ourselves that we had already used for a previous assignment.
I had fun with mine but didn't have enough time to execute it as well as I had envisioned. I think the teacher liked it but I probably will lose marks because it doesn't really look like me.

Yes, I know, it is sitting on the toilet. That is simply because it was the best lighting for photographing it at night. Oh, and I must have added the eyelashes after I took this.


TedinZim said... [Reply to comment]

i definitely see a resemblance.

i think she looks rather elegant actually, rather like a queen upon her throne :)

*brilliant idea* - you could go find a bunch of old toilets and do a series! ....."Toilet Royalty"......that would totally sell, i knows it!

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