This is #1 of sixteen assignments on colour to be completed in the next two weeks.
This is the first time I have worked with gouache and I am not a fan so far. The colours dry so much lighter than you expect. This colour wheel is far from perfect but it is as good as my patience would allow.

This is a three and a half hour line drawing for drawing class. We were supposed to be trying for accuracy and varying line weights. I'm not sure how well I did on either of those fronts but I like it. And I am sure I will treasure it when I am no longer living in this house.
oooo, something new!!
i love the colour wheel design - kind of like the chakra symbols, all lotus-y and vibrating with colour....much more interesting than the standard colour wheel. And the kitchen, so inviting! i love the detail. makes me want to walk into your drawing and make a cup of tea.... and pour a dollop of milk into the cat's dish while i'm at it :) Nice one.
16 colour assignments in 2 weeks, sheesh!
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