My next class was Intro to Studio Practice. I didn't enjoy it nearly as much but it has potential. We did a few projects and the teacher(perhaps I should be calling them professors) gave us homework. The biggest homework is just gathering all the things we need to bring to next class.
She did a slideshow and before she started, she asked if anyone knew the artist... I was assuming I wouldn't because I don't really know very many but then she said... Andy Goldsworthy. And I was shocked to see that nobody else knew who he was. I had seen all the images that she showed us but I am hoping we will be using him as the inspiration for a project.
She let us out 2 hours early today (normally a 4 hour class) so I went and bought film and then made the long trek home (it's not so long but when I'm tired I swear it doubles).
I don't have any more classes until monday. So I have lots of time to get my homework done.
Today I made the discovery that every single one of my teachers this semester is female. I was surprised by that but it will probably change next semester.
Here are a couple more shots of Halifax.
The Port Campus, where the majority of my classes are, is right beside that big cruise ship. And that is the boardwalk that runs all along the waterfront.
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