"Art is why I get up in the morning but my definition ends there. You know it doesn't seem fair that I'm living for something I can't even define."
-Ani DiFranco

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

All My Classes

Hi everyone, sorry for the long silence on my end. Busy, busy, busy!

So now I have had all of my classes at least once so I know what I'm in for. My favourites are drawing and photography. Intro to Studio Practice is so so and Writing for the arts is lagging way behind. Essays! Papers! That's not what I'm at art school for. I am sure it is good for me but I have been slaving over a "Description as Argument" paper on Rembrandt's The Philosopher in Meditation so I am not feeling particularly fond of that class. I was having fun with it until I realized just how long it was supposed to be and have been spending hours trying to flesh out my ideas.
This is the painting (my choice).
The amount of homework is appalling. I understand now why I only have classes three days a week. I need all the free time I can get to have everything done on time.
My room is looking much less orderly now with supplies and papers all over. And I now have a large easel which I am borrowing from our neighbor.
You can see my NSCAD bag in the corner there.
The bag had my foundation kit in it. I quite like it despite the fact that everyone has it and it's not waterproof (I discovered this in the absolute downpour on my way to class yesterday). It had a variety of basic art supplies in it. Not nearly all that we need but it's a start.
I'll try to be more regular with this but it ain't easy. I also don't like posting unless I have some sort of photo to go with it.


TedinZim said... [Reply to comment]

thanks, i needed that.

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